Tuesday 22 June 2010

The boys have tested the boat self-rights...

On Sunday the boys sent a text message from the sat phone reading "TOUGH TIMES BUT KOMALE AND CREW FINE".

On Monday we learnt the full extent of what these 'tough times' involved. Capsizing! Not once, not twice, but THREE times as well as breaking their first oar. I wont go into the full details of the weekend as its expressed so much better by Hamish in the phone blog so check that out (go to link; here)

I can't get through a blog (unfortunately) without mentioning the wind - true to form the wind has again changed direction for the worst and started to blow southerly at the boys, making their progress really slow and occasionally taking them backwards. Sadly this is out of all our control but if you do happen to know any weather Gods please try and arrange some Southerlies...bottle of wine for the first person to bring back the Northerlies.

The guys have been feeling pretty low these last few days, a week ago all looked on track for a quick descent of the south coast so the change in weather and fright of capsizing the boat appears to have taken its toll on them both. Please keep your messages of support coming through so we can cheer them up and get them home! This will have the double advantage of allowing some of you to get back to work and stop checking the tracker every 45minutes!! (For those of you who don't know - and this has come as a revelation to some people- the tracker only updates every 2 hours at 12,2,4,6,8,10)

As always thanks for your support, I see in the news the UK has now lost 300 troops in Afghanistan - your support for Nick and Hamish goes directly to the service men, woman and families who are effected by these losses...please give what you can.

Thank you all for being wonderful :) Jess

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